Male Breast Reduction (Gynaecomastia)
Gynaecomastia is a fairly common problem. Men rarely discuss this with anyone. The male breast is made of both fat and breast glandular tissue. Treatment depends upon the amount of fat, size of gland and tightness/looseness of the skin.
Many young men develop a small lump of breast gland behind the nipple in their teens. Usually it resolves and disappears. Unfortunately, in many men it does not. The young man is then left with a small breast on one or both sides. They tend to avoid swimming and find this very embarrassing. Surgery will involve mainly excision of the gland and possibly a small amount of liposuction. It is important to try to minimise the scarring and place the scars as discreetly as possible.
As men age they tend to put on weight. Fat is laid down in the male breast and it enlarges. As long as the skin is tight overlying the gynaecomastia, then liposuction may be all that is required. If the gland has also enlarged, then an incision will also be needed as the gland is often too fibrous to be removed via the liposucker.
A few cases are illustrated below. press the photos for side view.
Patient 1
This shows a form of Gynaecomastia which made the nipple/areolar complex "pointy". A resonable correction has been achieved through a periareolar incision and Bodyjet liposuction.
Patient 2
The skin here is looser. A periareolar excision has tightened this sufficiently. Sometimes the skin is too loose to be tightened in this way and requires another technique.
Patient 3
Glandular excision through an incision around the areola. This was combined with Bodyjet liposuction. Press on photo for side view.