Nose Reshaping (Rhinoplasty)
Nose Reshaping or Rhinoplasty is a procedure to change the shape of the nose. There are several techniques used in order to do this. It is very important to discuss exactly what you are trying to achieve, with your Surgeon, on more than occasion.
The nose needs to be in balance with the rest of the face. You cannot just choose a nose that you like the look of and expect that to look harmonious on your face.
I use photographs of my patients to try to explain what is possible and what the risks are.
I always discuss this with my patients over at least two consultations.
The photographs below illustrate several different types of nose and some of my results from different types of Rhinoplasty technique.
I am a council member of the British Society of Rhinoplasty surgeons and also maintain an interest in nasal reconstruction with rib grafts, etc in my NHS practice.
Please see the factfile for further information.
Patient 1
This lady was concerned with the appearance of her nose. She felt it was too big for her face and often avoided having photographs taken from the side. From this profile view, it can be seen that the nose has a hump on the bridge and the tip is slightly hooked.I have used an Open Rhinoplasty technique to change the shape of the nose. This has enabled me to remove the hump and also to totally remodel the tip of the nose.The post operative picture (6months) shows new shape which fits her face better.It is important to get the right balance between the nose and the chin.

Patient 2
This lady had a prominent dorsal hump.I have removed this using the Closed Rhinoplasty technique.I have not had to do any major work to the tip of the nose.

Patient 3
This lady wanted the prominent hump over the bridge of her nose removed.I performed the procedure as a Closed Rhinoplasty.The result softens her appearance and the nose now balances her chin.

Patient 4
Reduction of the dorsum of the nose along with some tip recession, to improve the profile. Tip recession (the movement of the position of the tip back towards the face) is more surgically challenging than removal of the dorsal hump. In this case, I have had to use an open rhinoplasty technique in order to do this.

Patient 5
Again, the profile is improved as the smaller nose is better matched to the face and chin. The procedure can make a huge difference to a patients self esteem and confidence.

Patient 6
This gentleman had a very prominent nose which projected out from his face. By performing an Open Rhinoplasty, I was able to recess the tip back towards his face and also to remove the dorsal hump. The result is more balanced to his face whilst still retaining a masculine stronger profile.

Patient 6
This lady had a boxy tip of the nose, combined with a prominent dorsal hump. I have used a open rhinoplasty technique to change the shape of the tip and reduce the size of the dorsum. Please press on the pictures for the views from other angles.